Steller Sea Lion | Haida Gwaii Wildlife Guide
Steller’s sea lions show remarkable sexual dimorphism, meaning that males of this species are much larger than the females. The length of the average male is just over 9 feet, while the length of the average female is only about 7.5 feet. In addition, males can weigh up to 2,500 pounds, and females can weigh 1,000 pounds. Males also have extremely thick muscular necks and a mane of coarse long hair.
Sea lion bulls are extremely aggressive and territorial. They arrive at the breeding grounds in May, which corresponds with the onset of mate selection. These large animals often fight for mates by throwing their huge bodies up against one another and biting. The strongest bull is the male with the largest harem.
British Columbia also harbors a population of California sea lions which can be distinguished by darker coloration and much smaller size.