Nat Hab's exclusive Quality & Value Guarantee ensures we will meet the lofty expectations we set.
To our knowledge, our guarantee is the best in the travel industry, ensuring that our trip prices reflect the exceptional quality of the experience we provide. We promise to do everything we can to make your nature adventure outstanding!
We’ll Deliver on Our Promises
As you read our catalog and website, you’ll see that the standards we set are very high. We are so confident our nature adventures will meet those expectations that should you discover a disparity, we’ll gladly give you credit toward a future trip. Of course, we can't control natural circumstances such as weather and wildlife movements, and they do sometimes vary from expected patterns. When that is the case, we'll make the best adjustments we can to ensure an excellent experience. But when it comes to the inclusions, activities, accommodations and guiding we have arranged, we'll deliver—or we'll compensate you!
The Best Trip at the Best Price
We believe we offer an incomparable nature travel experience when you take into account our expertly designed itineraries that include unique experiences and exclusive access, our remote wild destinations, exceptionally small groups and highly qualified naturalist Expedition Leaders. But, should you come across a matching itinerary of our quality at a lower price, even within 30 days after booking with us, we will refund the difference.
Rest Assured ... We Won’t Cancel!
While many companies often cancel trips due to low enrollment, we don't! This policy gives our travelers security and peace of mind in knowing your travel plans are virtually guaranteed. In the event circumstances outside our control force us to cancel, we will do our best to rebook you on a departure that works for you.
Read more details about our Quality & Value Guarantee here.