Correct answer: Basilisk lizard
Explanation: The basilisk lizard is found from southern Mexico to Panama but not on the Galapagos Islands. Both land iguanas and marine iguanas live in the Galapagos. Marine iguanas are the only seafaring lizards in the world, using their crocodilelike tails to swim and forage for algae. Land iguanas are yellow and larger than their marine relatives. Because freshwater is scarce on the islands, they obtain most of their moisture from the prickly pear cactus, which makes up 80 percent of their diet. Lava lizards can be found throughout the Galapagos, warming themselves on lava rocks.
Fun Fact: Pink land iguanas were discovered in 1986 on Isabela Island and were classified as a separate species in 2009. These bright pink reptiles are critically endangered, native only to Wolf Volcano on Isabela.
Photo Credits—Land iguana: Cassiano Zaparoli; Basilisk lizard: Bruce Jones; Lava lizard: Chris Kassar
Header Credit—Joan Shaw