Griffon Vulture Facts | Croatia & Slovenia Wildlife Guide
Protected since 1969 in the world’s first reserve for this species on the island of Cres, griffon vultures are among the largest birds in the world, weighing 15-25 pounds and boasting a wingspan up to 9 feet. They play an important role in their ecosystems, cleaning up carcasses that might otherwise lead to the spread of disease. They find these carcasses using their incredible sense of sight–they can see a carcass from 4 miles away!
Injured birds are brought to the Beli Rescue Center for Griffon Vultures to be rehabilitated. Mostly young ones that fall from their nests into the sea on their first flight attempts—the mortality rate for young vultures in their first year is a staggering 75%. They produce only one egg a year, so rescuing each bird is important. Once released into the wild, the far-reaching raptors are often spotted in the skies above nearby beaches.