Correct Answer: Narwhal
Explanation: In the Middle Ages, narwhal tusks were sold as unicorn horns and were a highly prized trade item between Inuit hunters and Norse settlers. Scientists believe that narwhals use their spiraling tusks, which can reach up to 10 feet in length, in mating rituals. With up to 10 million nerve endings inside, these piercing protrusions have incredible sensory capability. Using satellite tracking, World Wildlife Fund is tracing the paths narwhals take to their feeding and breeding grounds to help conserve this little-understood species. Narwhals, belugas, orcas and blue whales (the largest mammal on earth) are all found in Greenlandic waters. As the amount of shipping vessels increases due to development, underwater noise increasingly interferes with communication among whales. These disturbances affect the whales’ ability to navigate and find mates. WWF is working to help raise awareness and reduce noise pollution for these sensitive creatures.
Fun Fact: While all male narwhals have tusks, a few females also have them, though they are much less prominent. Very rarely, narwhals are born with two tusks.
Photo Credit: Paul Nicklen