Correct Answer: Up to 1 trillion
Explanation: People around the world consume 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags each year. That’s 1 to 2 million plastic bags every minute! On average, only one plastic bag out of every 200 is recycled. Plastic bags have caused a crisis for our oceans and marine wildlife, and with little wonder—we dump 8 million tons of plastic into the sea every year. The bags, along with other plastic pollution, have been found in the stomachs of threatened species, including turtles, seals, whales, porpoises andseabirds. In addition to the environmental output, energy input is also an expense: the amount of energy required to make only 12 plastic bags is equal to driving a car one mile.
To help combat this problem, more and more governments are placing fees and limitations on plastic bags. To reduce the amount of non-biodegradable plastic litter, cities such as San Francisco, Seattle, Boston andWashington, D.C., have taken strides to eliminate plastic bags. Abroad, Kenya, coastal towns in Chile, and Karnataka, India, have placed strict bans on single-use plastic bags.