Suzanne Spencer2005
Suzanne SpencerAdventure Director - Custom Africa
Suzanna was born and raised in the Granite State, New Hampshire. She developed a love of travel and peanut butter sandwiches as a young child when her family packed her and her two siblings up in a VW Bug and drove them around the country every summer visiting various national parks, historical monuments and relatives. We thought this sort of thing only happened in Boulder!
While in high school, Suzanna was lucky enough to be chosen to race the marathon in the Goodwill Games over in the Soviet Union. This was her first introduction to international traveling and borsch. From this crazy adventure, she caught the travel bug, which she has never been able to shed.
After finishing up a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of New Hampshire (Go Wildcats!), Suzanna moved west and ended up in New Mexico, Idaho, and then finally settled in Colorado. She has kept Colorado as her home base but has also been lucky to live and work in exciting places such as Bolivia, New Zealand, Antarctica and Alaska.
Designing African safaris is truly where her heart lies. She loves to share her passion for this amazing continent with others. She has taken numerous adventures over the last 20 years to Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia and more. One of her favorite African experiences was getting to attend the Gorilla Naming Ceremony in Rwanda.
In addition to Africa travel some of her favorite travel adventures include swimming with penguins in the Galapagos Islands, kayaking near glaciers in Alaska, riding the Tran-Siberian railroad, seeing a rookery of over 100,000 King penguins, rounding up goats by horseback in Mongolia, having a snowball fight with young kids in Bhutan and walking on the Great Wall in China. When she is not found at work she can be found teaching Pilates, falling down on the ski slopes or gardening.