Erin Hailstones Mihm2022
Erin Hailstones MihmAdventure Sales Associate & Lindblad Voyage Specialist
A native Texan, Erin spent most of her childhood running around outdoors playing soccer, swimming, fishing, and snapping photos around the lakes of central Texas. Along with those experiences and frequent visits to Montana to see family, she developed a deep love for nature and wildlife. As a young adult, she volunteered at a wildlife rehabilitation center while working at Seattle's Woodland Park Zoo. In college, she earned a bachelor's degree in Parks and Recreation Management and went on to work at several national park sites on endangered species projects and natural resource teams.
A confirmed advocate for animals and protecting cultures and wildlife, Erin obtained a master's in Sustainable Tourism Management from Colorado State University. A naturalist at heart, she is inspired by authentic people and travel that benefits local communities. She enjoys rubbing elbows with the wonderfully eclectic bunch of smarty-pants at Nat Hab and is grateful to be a part of a group of individuals working together to make “tiny changes to Earth” (that is a music reference, of which she has many).
Erin lived in seven states, and has a sweet spot for Maine. Once she is lucky enough to visit Hawaii, she'll be able to say she's been to all 50 states. In 2023 she hit her 49th while visiting Nat Hab's Alaska Bear Camp. She has also witnessed the spiritual magic of the Monarch Butterfly migration, experienced Arctic wildlife on Nat Hab's Premier Polar Bear Adventure in Churchill, Manitoba, and the delights of sea lions while exploring the Galapagos Islands with her daughter on a voyage with Lindblad Expeditions. At Nat Hab, she supports the sales team on various projects, with a primary focus on serving as the liaison for Lindblad, confirming sales and assisting guests booked on the sister company's voyages.