Emily Kleinburd
Emily knew she wanted to move west upon graduation, and within a month was on a plane with two suitcases, heading to Denver. She quickly fell in love with Colorado and living so close to the Rockies. After two years in Denver working in public relations, her passion for travel, sustainability and wildlife brought her to Nat Hab.
Some of Emily's most meaningful travel experiences include watching a pod of orcas at close range in Alaska, skydiving over Fox Glacier in New Zealand, seeing her first jaguar in the Brazilian Pantanal, spending two months driving down Mexico's Baja peninsula while learning to surf, snorkeling the Southern Great Barrier Reef, witnessing the Great Migration in Tanzania, and finding two tiger cubs nursing in a Indian temple. At home, Emily is happiest when she’s in the mountains. She spends her time snowboarding, trail running, backpacking, and playing soccer. She hopes to leave no stone unturned in Colorado, where it’s easy to find somewhere new to explore every weekend. Her travels so far include Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, Costa Rica, Kenya, Tanzania, India, Russia, Alaska, Canada, Iceland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Mexico and the Dominican Republic.