Teresa Whipple2015
Teresa is thrilled that her passions have evolved into a career built upon sharing the untamed world with other nature enthusiasts who agree that wilderness deserves reverence and dedicated preservation. She spends the vast majority of her year viewing bears—from the coasts of Alaska to the shoreline of Hudson Bay, she’s been a bear junkie since she got hooked in 2009. Now a permanent transplant to the Pacific Northwest, the wilds of British Columbia and Alaska are her office, and her desk looks a lot like skiff with a small outboard. Teresa has also guided walking tours of the breeding and molting beaches of southern elephant seals on Peninsula Valdes in Argentinian Patagonia, as well as educational wine-tasting tours in central California’s Paso Robles AVA region. During the bears’ denning season, you'll find her south of the border observing gray whales along the Pacific Coast as they make their annual migration from their feeding grounds in Alaska to their breeding grounds in Mexico.
What's in My Camera Bag
What Our Guests Say
Teresa was amazing. Bears are her love, and she is extremely knowledgeable about their habits, evolution and behaviors. She has a keen and expert eye at finding all tundra wildlife, and has knowledge and expertise about all of them. She loves to tell jokes and keep everyone happy. Most of all, her calm and reassuring demeanor was so helpful. She took care of everyone's needs without a flinch, and made sure we all had our desires and expectations met and our needs attended to.
Teresa was exceptional in her knowledge of bears and their habitat. She provided ongoing informative chats throughout the trip especially while in the Polar Rover. Her sense of humor along with her pleasing personality enhanced the learning experience. In addition, she was extremely helpful in altering our transport to the airport upon departure.
Teresa was fantastic. She was extremely informative about the area, culture, bears, other mammals and the history of the area. Additionally, she was a pleasure to be with—just the right balance of good humor, attention and information without overdoing it. She was incredibly well organized and everything went like clockwork. The individual notes to each of us at the end were a lovely touch.