Lejania Malheiros
Lejania Malheiros
Raised in Aquidauana, on the western edge of the Pantanal, Lejania's career as a naturalist guide was inspired by a childhood spent exploring trails, rivers and waterfalls with her mother. This early exposure ignited her passion for environmental education through tourism. She relishes the opportunity to share her extensive knowledge of biodiversity with others.
Lejania earned a degree in tourism in 2005 and completed a technical course for naturalist guides. Following a year spent living in the U.S in 2007, Lejania relocated to Bonito, a popular ecotourism destination situated on the southwest fringe of the Pantanal. It was there that she solidified her determination to work as a naturalist guide. After two years in Bonito, she moved back to her hometown of Aquidauana. She has been guiding in the Pantanal since 2008. In 2023, she joined the Nat Hab team as a South America Expedition Leader.
In her leisure time, Lejania loves traveling to natural areas to deepen her understanding of biodiversity and learning about different cultures.