Charlie Reinertsen2022
Twolined Studio is the home of the Northern Peatlands Project, a photographic journey through one of the rarest ecosystems on Earth. Charlie is the host and producer of The Saranac Lake Hootenanny, a weekly event showcasing local musicians in the Adirondack region. Charlie also led the development, writing and installation of Climate Solutions, an interactive 3,000-square-foot permanent exhibit on display at The Wild Center in Tupper Lake, New York.
As an expedition leader, Charlie is driven by a desire to ignite curious minds. He brings a sense of wonder for the natural world to each assignment, guiding week-long wildlife photography and ecology trips in Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Bryce, Zion, and Grand Canyon National Parks. In the winter, he guides trips to visit the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in Michoacán, Mexico, where more than 250 million monarch butterflies overwinter in the high elevation oyamel fir forest.
What's in My Camera Bag
Nikon Z6
DJI Mavic 3 Pro
Nikon 105 MC Macro 2.8
Nikon 20 mm 1.8 S
Nikon 35 mm 1.8 S
Nikon 70-200 mm 2.8 S
Nikon 400 mm 5.6 S
iPhone 12 Pro