Know Before You Go
Photography Tips
Check out expert advice for Yellowstone wildlife and nature photography in these articles from our Natural Photographer blog. Capture the wonders of Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons with helpful photo tips from Court Whelan, a Nat Hab Expedition Leader and pro photographer, who shares everything from photography tutorials to reviews of the newest photography gear. Whether you're a seasoned photographer or a novice, you'll want to read these helpful recommendations before you set out on your adventure.

Styles of Photography
These articles break down the types of photography as it pertains to nature, wildlife, and travel, along with a few specialist sections that discuss night photography and macro photography techniques.

Photography Equipment
From camera overviews, to explanations on the merits of certain lenses, these articles are a must-read for anyone thinking of investing in new gear (or simply wants to better understand gear they already have!).

Taking the Shot
From improving your composition to understanding aperture, these articles provides tools and tricks for photographers at all levels, to help you capture scenes and wildlife that you are supremely happy with.