Know Before You Go
Photography Tips
Gain expert advice from our Natural Photographer blog for photographing the millions of monarch butterflies that migrate to Mexico’s Central Highlands each year. Professional photographer and Nat Hab Expedition Leader Court Whelan's insightful articles provide you with everything from photo tips to reviews of the newest cameras, lenses and more. Whether you're just learning or well-versed in photography, you'll want to read these helpful photo tips before experiencing the awe of the monarchs’ migration.
WEBINAR | Nature, Wildlife & Travel Photography 101
Join Nat Hab’s head photography Expedition Leader Court Whelan, editor of The Natural Photographer blog, for an introduction to the basics of how to get enticing nature and wildlife photos on your travel adventures.
WEBINAR | Nature Photography 102: Building Your Skills
In this presentation for avid amateur/hobbyist photographers, Court Whelan reviews photography fundamentals for beginners while expanding your image-making horizons with new tips, tricks and tools to experiment with.

What’s in my Camera Bag: Monarch Butterfly Migration Adventure
An outstanding and often overlooked destination for the nature photographer, Mexico’s monarch migration is sure to be a highlight of your photographic career...

Monarch Butterfly Camera
Setting Tips
Photographing monarch butterflies as they burst from Oyamel fir trees is no easy feat. However, if you have the opportunity to travel to Michoacan in search of these regal insects, you’ll likely get the chance to...

5 Tips on How to Get this Photo: Monarch Butterflies Flying
Photographing monarch butterflies as they burst from Oyamel fir trees is no easy feat. However, if you have the opportunity to travel to Michoacan in search of...

Photographing the Monarch Butterfly Migration
in Mexico
It’s getting to be that time of year. The new year is off and kicking, the weather is chilly, and monarch butterflies have made their way to their winter...