Portugal Adventure Details
The euro is the official currency of Portugal. The euro is divided into 100 cents. Banknotes are issued in €500, €200, €100, €50, €20, €10 and €5. Coins are issued in €2, €1, 50c, 20c, 10c, 5c, 2c and 1c denominations.
Portuguese is the official language of Portugal. Most of the hotel staff speak some, or fluent, English and our local support staff will speak both English and Portuguese. Please keep in mind, however, any efforts you make to speak Portuguese will be met with great appreciation by locals. We highly recommend a pocket-sized Portuguese to English dictionary.
Portugal is located within the Western European Time Zone (WET), which is five hours ahead of Eastern Time. Portugal does observe Daylight Saving Time.
The electrical current in Portugal is 220 volts, 50 cycles. Most U.S.-based devices that need to be charged (including camera batteries, laptops, phones, etc.) work in outlets ranging from 110-240 volts, so they typically do not require a power converter. This information is located on the plug or device itself and is usually very easy to find.
Outlet configurations are AC with round two-pin European-style sockets. Thus, if you wish to charge U.S.-based electrical equipment or use personal appliances during your adventure, you will most likely need an outlet adapter. You can purchase one through our Gear Store at gearstore.nathab.com.
Hello: Olá
Good-bye: Adeus
Good morning: Bom dia
Good afternoon: Boa tarde
Good evening: Boa noite
See you later: Até logo
No: Não
Yes: Sim
Please: Por favor
Thank you very much: Muito obrigado
You’re welcome: muito agradecido
Excuse me: Faz favor
I’m sorry: Desculpe
My name is…: Meu nome é
What is your name: Qual é o teu nome
Do you speak English: Tu falas inglês?
I don’t speak Portuguese: Eu não falo Português
I understand: Eu compreendo
I do not understand: Eu não compreendo
The bill please: A conta por favor
Where is the bathroom: Aonde é a casa de banho
Sir: Senhor
Ma’am: Senhora
Miss/Ms: Senhora
Who: Quem
Who (plural): Quem
What: O que
Why: Porque
When: Quando
Where: Aonde
Where is...: Aonde fica
How: Quanto
How much: Quanto é
Zero: Zero
One: Um
Two: Dois
Three: Trés
Four: Quatro
Five: Cinco
Six: Seis
Seven: Sete
Eight: Oito
Nine: Nove
Ten: Dez
Eleven: Onze
Twelve: Doze
Thirteen: Treze
Fourteen: Catorze
Fifteen: Quinze
Sixteen: Dezasseis
Seventeen: Dezassete
Eighteen: Dezoito
Nineteen: Dezanove
Twenty: Vinte
Twenty-one: Vinte-um
Thirty: Trinta
Forty: Quarenta
Fifty: Cinquenta
Sixty: Sessenta
Seventy: Setenta
Eighty: Oitenta
Ninety: Noventa
One hundred: Cem
One thousand: Mil