Correct Answer: Kiwi's are frugivores, primarily eating tamarillos, feijoas and boysenberries.
Explanation: Kiwis primarily eat insects, but will also feed on seeds and fruit. Kiwi numbers declined in the 1900s due to the introduction of non-native predators such as stoats, ferrets and weasels. The Kiwi Recovery Plan has helped drastically increase the number of chicks that survive to adulthood, from 5 percent in 1991 to 60 percent in 1998. Kiwis are flightless, nocturnal and monogamous. In proportion to their body size, they lay the largest eggs of any bird on the planet, which is up to one-quarter of their body mass.
Photo Credit—Judi Lapsley Miller [CC BY 4.0] via Wikimedia Commons