Photography Tips
Gain expert advice about photographing India’s tigers and jungle wildlife in these articles from our Natural Photographer blog. Photography pro and Nat Hab Expedition Leader Court Whelan contributes an abundance of advice about everything from photo techniques to reviews of the latest photography gear. Whether you're an accomplished photographer or just beginning with a point-and-shoot, you'll want to read these useful photo tutorials before you head into wild tiger territory.

What’s in the Camera Bag? India Tiger Photo Safari
There might be nothing quite as majestic, alluring, and photogenic as the mighty tiger. Being the largest cat in the world earns it a renowned reputation, but they are notoriously difficult to spot, often shrouded by...

How to Photograph Tigers Through Brush and Vegetation
No matter how lucky you are, there are going to be times that you encounter exquisite wildlife shrouded by dense vegetation while on a photo safari...

Stories from the Field: Tiger Photo Safari
The excitement was mounting greater with each minute that passed as we bumped along in our safari jeep into the interior of Ranthambore National Park. The scenery–stunning, the wildlife–mesmerizing...

Styles of Photography
These articles break down the types of photography as it pertains to nature, wildlife, and travel, along with a few specialist sections that discuss night photography and macro photography techniques.

Photography Equipment
From camera overviews, to explanations on the merits of certain lenses, these articles are a must-read for anyone thinking of investing in new gear (or simply wants to better understand gear they already have!).