Adelie Penguin Facts | Antarctica Wildlife Guide
With an estimated total population of 2.4 to 3.2 million breeding pairs, Adélie penguins can be found around the coastline of the Antarctic continent; they are sparse around the Antarctic Peninsula and the Scotia Arc region. Distinguishing features are a white ring outlining their eyes and a longer tail.Header Credit: Moira Le Patourel
See Adelie Penguins on These Antarctic Expeditions

Sailing Antarctica: A Polar Wildlife Expedition
Those with a passion for true adventure won't find a more exhilarating thrill than exploring Antarctica on an intimate voyage by private motorsailer—for just seven guests! Kayak and camp on the ice, too.

Antarctica, South Georgia & the Falklands
A comprehensive voyage to the wildlife-rich Falkland Islands and historic South Georgia, where a million-plus king penguins reign—plus the wonders of the Antarctic Peninsula!