Celebrating 10 Years of Carbon Neutral Travel!
Travel, whether by air, train, boat or automobile, does involve the emission of carbon, a greenhouse gas that warms the atmosphere. And it doesn’t matter whether that travel is for business or pleasure—emissions are the same. As a world leader in conservation travel, we believe that the positive impact of travel must go beyond supporting the local environment or local communities. We must think on a planetary scale. And as the imperative for sustainability grows across our fragile planet, we must all raise the bar on conservation.
Our carbon offset program is part of that commitment. Not only do we offset the carbon output from every single trip, but we also offset all carbon use from our office operations, too. A company retreat into the mountains? We’ve offset it. A recon trip to Greenland to scout out base camp locations? We’ve offset it. A day’s worth of lights being on in the conference room? Well, you get the point.
You may be curious to know how we offset carbon emissions. If you’re interested in learning about the projects we support, take a look at our Carbon Offset Projects. And the good we’re trying to do for the planet doesn’t stop there. You may be interested in our Conservation Initiatives, Community
Together, we are raising the bar on conservation travel, and we look forward the achievements the next 10 years will bring!