Aye-ayes can be found only on the island of Madagascar. Many people consider them an omen of bad luck or even death. ©Rod Waddington, flickr
Snakes, spiders or scorpions—even though you’re a nature enthusiast, chances are that there’s at least one creature found within the world’s diverse animal kingdom that gives you the creeps.
Watch the video below and learn what Earth Unplugged thinks are some of the world’s scariest beings. No ghosts, ghouls or gremlins here; these are all real-world species.
Just a warning for those of you with entomophobia: there are a number of insects represented.
Fear of spiders is common, and an estimated 6% of the general population suffers from full-blown arachnophobia. The leading explanation is that our ancestors evolved to fear spiders, and this has been passed on to us.
After you watch the video, tell me: what critter scares you the most?
Have a happy, spooky Halloween,
Not all insects are this scary! To see some beautiful members of the Arthropoda phylum, check out our butterfly migration trip. For an opportunity to spot an aye-aye, visit our Madagascar tour page.
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Agree Trevor, all of them are interesting and/or beautiful
I find this video funny, mainly by the way it is presented. Overall, none of those animals are on my scare list.
Great stuff keep up the good work and if you are ever down our way do pop in!
The cordeceps fungus (sp?) Wow! Learned something new Ain’t nature awesome!
Great video and love the aye aye, one of my favourite animals… as for the most scariest creature… mankind gets my vote..
Not sure I’ll sleep tonight 🙂 The killer fungus and the fly larvae probably scare me the most…
super!!! 🙂
Out of the those shown, the fungus makes the top of my list. What a thing to be possessed by! Poor insects have no defense. This is a great video! I will be showing it to my students. So many of these are intricate animal associations that go unnoticed by most. Nice work, Candice!
Hi Candice, Nice video and great presentation! There is so much to know and learn from nature and wildlife, look forward to see more about nature!
I do not find these animals” scary at all. The most scary animals are among Homo sapiens. Think about Cambodia, names like Adolph Hitler, Idi Amin and scores of others. Now, that is scary!
I’ve always been averse to ticks, especially deer ticks. Not all that crazy about being in water with sharks, either.
My vote is for any of the parasitic worms that can take up residence in a human or other animal. Not only are such invaders as the tapeworm, hookworm, filarial worm, and other roundworms repulsive to look at, but they create very nasty problems.
those rainforest ants are scary enough without the fungus! good video for today!!!
I’ve always hated Isopods, particularly the Giant Isopod.
Happy Halloween!