“My most memorable experience was our first stop on Day 1 for the sole reason that it set a euphoric tone for the entire journey. Our guides made a last-minute decision to change plans and go for a sunrise shot. Upon our arrival, dramatic clouds started rolling over the Grand Tetons just in time to capture the rising sun. The icing on the cake was to learn we were standing in the precise location the famed landscape photographer Ansel Adams took his iconic 1942 Grand Teton and Snake River picture! Our expert guides quickly earned our trust with their photographic tips and their knowledge of the best locations to maximize our encounters with varied wildlife and outstanding vistas. This was an unbelievable experience!”
— Bruce Hutson | Hidden Yellowstone Photo Safari

Grand Tetons Sunrise

Chokecherry Breakfast

The Serengeti of Yellowstone

Refreshing Drink

Grand Tetons Star Gazing
The Yellowstone ecosystem boasts the largest concentration of wildlife in the Lower 48, including 4,000 bison, along with wolves and grizzlies in pursuit of great elk herds. Nat Hab offers a specialized photo safari during fall foliage and elk rutting season, led by guides who are accomplished nature photographers. These trips are one day longer, allowing travelers to slow down for photo ops and spend time in the field with a renowned local wildlife photographer.
All Photos © Bruce Hutson