Kayaking along Greenland's Forbidden Coast

Kayaking along Greenland’s Forbidden Coast

We’ve got some exciting news!

This summer, our CEO Olaf Malver returned from the high territories of Greenland where he heard enthusiastic stories from Inuits and adventurers alike about a spectacular and remote place called the Kangerdlussuaq Fjord, 500 kilometers northeast of Tassilaq. These reports were all at once distressing, surprising, and exciting, because due to global warming, it is now possible to venture through lighter ice pack and reach this breathtaking fjord. Icebergs and strong currents have historically been infamous for making this area incredibly dangerous, but it can now be explored safely.


So in the summer of 2010, we will be the first commercial group to sail from Iceland and go kayaking into the staggering Kangerdlussuaq area! This is a “first-ever” exploratory trip with Olaf, and only a select few will be selected to join him. So call today at 510-559-8099 for more information.

Some of the things you’ll be able to see on this expedition include Inuit ruins, vast mountain ranges, hanging glaciers, roaming polar bears, and valleys filled with flowers. The Kangerdlussuaq Fjord is by far the wildest coastal landscape in Greenland, and this adventure is a perfect opportunity to put your expeditionary spirit to good use!