Black bear cubs are very curious and will inspect noises, objects and odors to determine if they are edible—or playable.
All bear cubs appear to be incredibly curious, and black bear cubs are no exception. However, this penchant for wanderlust and exploration can sometimes result in some thrilling—but not exactly welcome—adventures.
Watch the one-minute video below. Mother bear is frantic: three of her cubs have fallen inside a roadside dumpster. Luckily for these youngsters, some quick-thinking onlookers were able to come to the rescue!
Here’s to finding your true places and natural habitats,
Wonderful, it’s good to see that there are great caring people out there.
In this case how to make the dumpster bear cub safe!
Nice as this viral video is… I would be willing to bet Mom had a plan to extract them herself.
This happening took place in Ruidoso, NM, which is in Lincoln County (Lincoln National Forest and the original Smokey the Bear country). We have magnificant wildlife up here and thank goodness those cubs were discovered and given a little assistance.
Shared to twitter and FB, Glad some enterprising and caring people found the cubs and weren’t deterred by presence of the mother bear.
Nice rescue, too bad it was human error that caused the situation to begin with (close the bear proof lid people!!)
Your posts are always interesting and specially this one is really cute.
Yeah… give the girl the ladder… Ha!
Seriously though, good job, people!
That video has gone viral. great idea by the locals to help out the cubs. good conservation measure. they took a little risk as the mama bear could have been trouble.
Yaaaay!! For once humans actually did a good deed! 🙂