“It’s difficult to pick out a single highlight, as the entire Botswana safari was filled with highlights. But if I must choose, I’d say it was when we found the leopard late in the afternoon and had just enough light to get some great pictures as he strolled by the truck and then posed on top of a termite mound.

Wild leopard in Botswana

Our safari guide, Thuto Moutloatse, was fabulous, the camps were very comfortable and Nat Hab planned and delivered another great experience. This was our fourth Natural Habitat adventure.”

— Jack Sharrock | Secluded Botswana Safari | June 2017

Lilac-breasted roller in Botswana

Hippo jaws in Botswana

Giraffes drinking in Botswana

Lilac breasted roller, Botswana

All photos © Jack Sharrock.

What Were Your Safari Highlights?

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