On the Chinese calendar, 2010 is the Year of the Tiger, an ideal opportunity to draw global attention to the fact that there are fewer than 3200 tigers left in the wild, and threats to their continued survival are significant. World Wildlife Fund has set a goal of doubling the world’s wild tiger population before the next Year of the Tiger in 2022, even though less than 7 percent of the tiger’s original natural habitat remains.
If most people knew of the tiger’s plight, I’m sure the world would rally together to save these magnificent creatures. Can you help spread the word?
WWF has listed 10 ways to help nature lovers do that, from adding a tiger mask and paw prints to your Facebook profile via WWF’s clever application (with a link to WWF’s Save the Tiger campaign) to sending beautiful tiger-themed holiday cards.
If you’d like a personal encounter with tigers in their natural habitat, check out NHA’s Wild India trip. You’ll spend 4 nights at the Kanha Tiger Reserve, the best Bengal tiger-viewing place in India, along with visits to other superb wildlife parks on the subcontinent.
Wendy’s passions are travel, nature, conservation and communication, which intersect in her position as Nat Hab’s Editorial Director. Incorrigibly peripatetic, Wendy has been to more than 65 countries and all 50 states. Among her most magical wildlife encounters are snorkeling with sea lions in the Galapagos, sitting face to face with a silverback gorilla in the mountains of Africa, and watching a huge brown bear calmly amble by just feet away in the wilderness of Alaska's Katmai National Park.
i think that we should respect the tigers territories like we would like you stuff to be as well.
and we should protect them and their homes.
Tigers are so important to symbiosis they have all three types mutralism commencalism parasitism and our food chain will badly be affected in many ways. plus we will lose the largest apex preditor in the ecosystem which the tiger is par of. they are so majestic and beutiful even if they are dangerous they make the world much pettier!
save tigers they have all the symbiosises all three!
mutualism commensalism and parasitism
if we all pitch in somehow like planting more trees more wild life parks even less guns in the world!
tigers are so majestic and beutiful and graceful.
and not to mention ADORABLE!!!!!!!!
I think that the most important step to save the tiger is sufficient food supply to the tiger in the forest.If weekly some goat or pig or deer we supply from outside to the deep forest as a food of hungry tiger then they will not come outside, and they will able to live a healthy life.For this purpose we should request our forest officer to make such a step urgently.
Survival International
on April 14, 2016 at 3:31 am
The best way to save tigers is in fact to protect the rights of the indigenous peoples who inhabit tiger reserves.
This has now been proven – see this extraordinary report by India’s NDTV https://tiger.ndtv.com/
I am not happy about people not trying to save them. Even though some people are helpful, others are like:
” Whatever! We don’t care about some stupid cats that act like wild animals!’
We should actually try to save them! And the 10 ways to save tigers helped me out a lot when I did a project on Bengal Tigers, so tyvm for making that little paragraph above, Wendy.
omg omg omg omg omg i am sooooooo sad that tigers can go bye bye!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE TIGERS THEY R SOOOOOO AMAZING AND CUTE!!!
its so sad that tigers are going away but we still have hope if everyone helps out a little. tigers are amazing creatures and are so important in my life. I LOVE TIGERS and i always will.will. Im so happy other people agree and want to help.my bedroom is full of tigers and one day i want to own one. thanks everyone, i LLLLLLLOOOOOOVVVVVEEEE tigers.
why are the tigers endangered , who are the people who are cutting the trees and are not thinking about the animals inluding tigers . these are some questions that are in everybody mind . we should save tigers or our national animal can be extinct .
I wish more people would realise tigers are dying slowely… Tigers are beautiful and magnificent creatures and we should all be greatful that we even have them on this planet. So sad that some selfish poachers are driving them off of it… )’:
i am feeling really ashamed of my country India that people of our country is killing their own national animal.But their is some solutions to overcome from these problems and ashameness because our government and WWF has made some more laws to save tigers.
i am a huge tiger fan. i buy tiger puzzles photos and ect….. i love them with all my heart and im so happy that there are other people who want to save tigers i am in tears i love looking up info on them and i love them so much…… SAVE ALL THE TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
only 1411 tigers are remain in india so it is the time for taking major steps,in my view there may be 5 steps.
1:reserve park for them.
2:making awarness among people.
3:by hard rules.
4:by giving protection.
5:by giving them sudden health care.
hey ,
i m reallt feeling happy that like me there is people like you think to save the tigers .you will feel happy to heard that we have higest numbers of tigers in india {information allounced by our forest minister Mr.Jayram Ramesh.i also think to save the tigers .i have a blog where i wrote this news and try to aware the people.i want that you add your comment there too.my blog path is https://vikas10011990.blogspot.com.nice to meet you.
I am feeling also really happy that like me there is also someone who thinks about the future of tigers.So,keep on thinking about tigers and keep maintain your study
Together, Natural Habitat Adventures and World Wildlife Fund have teamed up to arrange nearly 100 nature travel experiences around the planet, while helping to protect the magnificent places we visit and their wild inhabitants.
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I like tigers
good nature travel
i like your vidoes and images
tigers are the best animals in the whole world
We need to help the tigers ? now
i also love tigers
need to save tigers
we need to save the tigers
Save the tigers!!!! My school mascot is the tiger so i love them
Yes we should save tigers
My name is rabia I really like tiger’s . I really hope that tigers don’t die however you will save them ?
i think that we should respect the tigers territories like we would like you stuff to be as well.
and we should protect them and their homes.
tigers are mainly endangered
because of habatat loss plz save tigers.
Tigers are so important to symbiosis they have all three types mutralism commencalism parasitism and our food chain will badly be affected in many ways. plus we will lose the largest apex preditor in the ecosystem which the tiger is par of. they are so majestic and beutiful even if they are dangerous they make the world much pettier!
save tigers they have all the symbiosises all three!
mutualism commensalism and parasitism
if we all pitch in somehow like planting more trees more wild life parks even less guns in the world!
tigers are so majestic and beutiful and graceful.
and not to mention ADORABLE!!!!!!!!
I think that the most important step to save the tiger is sufficient food supply to the tiger in the forest.If weekly some goat or pig or deer we supply from outside to the deep forest as a food of hungry tiger then they will not come outside, and they will able to live a healthy life.For this purpose we should request our forest officer to make such a step urgently.
Tigers are our national animal save them and tell that INDIA’S national animal is tiger in future.
There r only 1500 tiger’s left in INDIA. Plsss save them…..
Tigers rock, stop poaching, I love hunting but not endangered species!
Does any body no a number that will help people save tigers
The best way to save tigers is in fact to protect the rights of the indigenous peoples who inhabit tiger reserves.
This has now been proven – see this extraordinary report by India’s NDTV
I am not happy about people not trying to save them. Even though some people are helpful, others are like:
” Whatever! We don’t care about some stupid cats that act like wild animals!’
We should actually try to save them! And the 10 ways to save tigers helped me out a lot when I did a project on Bengal Tigers, so tyvm for making that little paragraph above, Wendy.
i love bengal tigers not for the reason they are my national animal, i love them for their beauty
I wanna help save tigers too!
omg omg omg omg omg i am sooooooo sad that tigers can go bye bye!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE TIGERS THEY R SOOOOOO AMAZING AND CUTE!!!
its so sad that tigers are going away but we still have hope if everyone helps out a little. tigers are amazing creatures and are so important in my life. I LOVE TIGERS and i always will.will. Im so happy other people agree and want to help.my bedroom is full of tigers and one day i want to own one. thanks everyone, i LLLLLLLOOOOOOVVVVVEEEE tigers.
save them by protecting with the glamorous
why are the tigers endangered , who are the people who are cutting the trees and are not thinking about the animals inluding tigers . these are some questions that are in everybody mind . we should save tigers or our national animal can be extinct .
Please help the forest department to save these wonderful animals
TIGERS ARE MY FAVORITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I find Tigers so cute… though they are so dangerous.. They look like meowing cats.. I really want to save them
Tigers are love, Tigers are life. Its not over, its never over. I love Tigers. They are my life #savethetigersplz #shrek I LOVE THEM ASDFGHJKL
i agree with you leah people need to reilieze tigers are dieing slowly
I wish more people would realise tigers are dying slowely… Tigers are beautiful and magnificent creatures and we should all be greatful that we even have them on this planet. So sad that some selfish poachers are driving them off of it… )’:
how sad to know that only1389 tigers are left. I LOVE TIGRES. PLZ SAVE THEM
i am feeling really ashamed of my country India that people of our country is killing their own national animal.But their is some solutions to overcome from these problems and ashameness because our government and WWF has made some more laws to save tigers.
i am a huge tiger fan. i buy tiger puzzles photos and ect….. i love them with all my heart and im so happy that there are other people who want to save tigers i am in tears i love looking up info on them and i love them so much…… SAVE ALL THE TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello my name is tara i live in india i love tigers its so nice to meet people who are trying to save the tigers 🙂
tigers are very cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
only 1411 tigers are remain in india so it is the time for taking major steps,in my view there may be 5 steps.
1:reserve park for them.
2:making awarness among people.
3:by hard rules.
4:by giving protection.
5:by giving them sudden health care.
nice pics of tigers
hey ,
i m reallt feeling happy that like me there is people like you think to save the tigers .you will feel happy to heard that we have higest numbers of tigers in india {information allounced by our forest minister Mr.Jayram Ramesh.i also think to save the tigers .i have a blog where i wrote this news and try to aware the people.i want that you add your comment there too.my blog path is https://vikas10011990.blogspot.com.nice to meet you.
i saw ur blog vikas its nice what part of india r u in then 🙂
I am feeling also really happy that like me there is also someone who thinks about the future of tigers.So,keep on thinking about tigers and keep maintain your study
I LOVED IT!!! BUT I LOVE LOVE LOVE TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey who are you ?will you be my friend .i am from india and i like tigers too.