The story of Glacier National Park begins in a desire for preservation and ends in a display of peace. From the evidence that scientists have been able to...
A multiple award-winning author and writer specializing in nature-travel topics and environmental issues, Candice has traveled around the world, from the Arctic Circle to Antarctica, and from New Zealand to Scotland’s far northern, remote regions. Her assignments have been equally diverse, from covering Alaska’s Yukon Quest dogsled race to writing a history of the Galapagos Islands to describing and photographing the national snow-sculpting competition in Wisconsin, her birth state.
A former scriptwriter for Paramount Pictures in Hollywood, California, Candice gave up the big city life to return to her roots in the Heartland. Recently, she made the cross-country move to Oregon and is looking forward to the next chapter: explorations in the Pacific Northwest.
Candice’s books include Travel Wild Wisconsin (University of Wisconsin Press, 2013), Beyond the Trees: Stories of Wisconsin Forests (Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2011), The Minnesota Almanac (Trails Books, 2008), and Great Wisconsin Winter Weekends (Trails Books, 2006). Her work has appeared in several national and international publications, such as The Huffington Post and Outside Magazine Online. She is a web columnist for several eco-publications, such as the Adventure Collection’s blog and Good Nature Travel; and she is the editor of An Adventurous Nature: Tales from Natural Habitat Adventures, a collection of worldwide adventure stories. To read her columns and see samples of her nature photography, visit her website at and like her Nature Traveler Facebook page at at
The story of Glacier National Park begins in a desire for preservation and ends in a display of peace. From the evidence that scientists have been able to...
This is National Wildlife Week, an annual celebration of the beauty and diversity of America’s wildlife. Started in 1938, this event encourages people across...
If you love nature, wildlife-watching is probably one of your greatest joys. And because you care about animal welfare, you most likely try to ensure that...
Even if you don’t know much about the science regarding COVID-19, you probably can’t escape the fact that the disease has caused major changes in your...
I have never been to Africa. Yet, I like to imagine being there: I picture myself on a safari in Botswana, Kenya, Namibia, South Africa or Tanzania. I dream...
If I asked you to tell me how environmentally friendly you are, you’d probably say that you think you rate pretty high on the scale; that you use few paper...
Tomorrow, March 3, we’ll recognize the eighth World Wildlife Day, which was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly (U.N.G.A.) at its 68th session...
A polar vortex over the Midwestern states has kept me cold and inside for most of this month. I’ve had to stop my daily walks with my dog, because her paws...
Almost a year ago, before the COVID-19 pandemic raced around the world, I thought of writing to you about the countries that seem to perpetually be on annual...
True wilderness areas—where human impacts are minimal or entirely absent—are dwindling. That probably comes as no surprise to you. But you may not know the...
For the past year, now, your travels have probably been small ones, perhaps no farther than your own backyard or local park. So, if you’re like me—until it...
Let’s just go to Grand Teton National Park. I mean it. After so many weeks of economic hardships, pandemic worries and political chaos, I need to shut down...
I once walked on the moon. It was remote and windy and bare; the kind of landscape that seems to call to me. This “moon,” though, wasn’t off Earth. It was...
Anyone who has ever adopted a cat or dog into the family knows that each pet is distinctive. One of your dogs, for example, may have loved to spend all day at...
It’s time to say farewell to 2020; and for many of us, we’re happy to do it—perhaps more so than for any other year we’ve ever experienced. For those smitten...
After almost a year of isolation, lockdowns, mask-wearing, and strained relationships with family and friends, you might think that there’s not much good to...
Santa Claus has long been known as the world’s biggest spreader of happiness and joy, but he now has some competition when it comes to eliciting smiles on...
There’s something special about snow. Snow days. Snow forts. Snowmen. Snowshoeing. Sledding. Walking in a winter wonderland. And every winter, when it looks...
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