Empowering Women Through Exploring the Wild Together
Equal rights. Equal opportunities. Equal power. Join Nat Hab on March 8, 2025, to celebrate International Women’s Day under the theme, “For ALL Women and...
Galapagos Species That Are Back from the Brink
Over the last century, Earth’s wild places have seen startling declines in biodiversity. According to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on ...
Discover Zimbabwe: A Year-Round African Wildlife Safari Destination
When is safari season? In Zimbabwe, it’s longer than you might think, and each season has its advantages. Nestled in the heart of Southern Africa, Zimbabwe...
Why Do Tigers Have Stripes?
Tigers are one of the easiest of the big cats to identify because of their dramatic striped coats. Jaguars and leopards have their rosette spots, lions have ...
Changing Nature Names
What you call something imparts meaning. Names can invoke assumptions, connotations, stereotypes and influence how you perceive an animal or a place. A name ...
Costa Rica’s Natural AND Cultural Beauty
It’s no surprise that Costa Rica is a country filled with beautiful natural ecosystems. Its coasts are bustling with marine life, and its interior is blank...
Why the Cotswolds Is an English Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Daydreaming of a trip to England quickly conjures up the image of sheep grazing in rolling green hills, villages with quiet lanes dotted with thatched cottag...
Primates, Plains Game & Predators Galore: Guiding a Gorilla Safari
By Nat Hab Expedition Leader Richard de Gouveia Plains Game, Predators & Birdlife in Murchison Falls National Park Murchison Falls National Park, Uganda&...
Polar Bear Scholarship Winners Bring Conservation Lessons to the Classroom
“Teaching the teachers is like planting seeds of knowledge that will blossom into a forest of conservation-minded individuals, nurturing the next gener...
The State of Life on Earth and a Big Belief in Science
In 2024, global carbon emissions from fossil fuels reached a record high. That may come as no surprise, as global carbon emissions from fossil fuels have rea...
Bird Eyes and Dark Skies
When we misuse or overuse artificial light at night, we create nighttime light pollution, which makes it harder to see the night sky and causes negative effe...
The Magical Serendipity of an African Safari
“I’ve got something special to show you,” said our guide Issac. I couldn’t imagine what it could be. We had already spent the last few hours explorin...
Stories by Destination

Churchill Polar Bears

African Safaris

U.S. National Parks


Canada & the North

Galapagos Islands

Latin America

Asia & The Pacific
The State of Life on Earth and a Big Belief in Science
In 2024, global carbon emissions from fossil fuels reached a record high. That may come as no surprise, as global carbon emissions from fossil fuels have rea...
Costa Rica: A Conservation Success Story
By Rachel Foster, Development Officer, Annual Giving at World Wildlife Fund Luck was on my side when I was able to join a recent Nat Hab journey to Costa Ric...
Social Media: Selfie Searches and Nature Successes
The ubiquitous social media in our lives has its benefits, including allowing us to interact quickly with our loved ones, network with our colleagues and sh...
Pollinators in Paradise: Discover 9 Overwintering Destinations
Pollinators are nature’s essential workers, ensuring the survival of countless plants and animals while supporting food systems. Nearly 90% of wild floweri...
Bearded Vultures and Beyond: Where to See Nature’s Clean Up Crew
For many people, our first encounters with vultures are as dark, shadowy, even menacing figures in fairy tales. That’s a shame, because vultures play helpf...
4 Fascinating Orca Stories From Around the World
Orcas are among the ocean’s most intelligent and social predators, captivating us with their strong family bonds, advanced hunting strategies, and cult...
7 Winter Gardening Tips to Support Pollinators
Pollinators— including bees, butterflies, birds and bats—are essential for healthy ecosystems and our global food supply: According to WWF, almost 90% of...
The Baobab Tree: An African Icon and Longtime Legend
With its bulbous shape and a canopy that resembles an upside-down root system, the baobab tree is an iconic symbol of the African continent. Its origins are ...
Tracking Jaguars with the Onçafari Project: Conservation Travel in Brazil’s Pantanal
It was in the early morning when we first spotted Aracy, positioned near a small waterhole in Brazil’s southern Pantanal region. We followed her through th...
Conservation & Coexistence: Managing Wolves in Yellowstone, Switzerland & Portugal
In 1994, a lone wolf crossed the border from Italy into Switzerland. Within a year, there were two, then pups and sporadic sightings. By 2012, Switzerland ha...
5 Ways WWF is Restoring Mangroves for Climate Resilience & Biodiversity
Mangroves are one of Earth’s most critical ecosystems, buffering coasts from storm surges, serving as vital habitat for aquatic, semiaquatic and terrestria...
The Iberian Lynx Makes a Remarkable Recovery in Portugal
In 2001, WWF declared the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) “the most endangered cat species and the only endemic large carnivore in Europe.” At the time, the...
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