Botswana’s Wild Kingdom: A Safari Story
On the first evening of my 12-day Secluded Botswana Safari, I followed my small group of five travelers down a flight of outdoor steps at Toka Leya Lodge to ...
Deer, Reindeer and REM Sleep
At first glance, geese and reindeer (called “caribou” in North America) may not seem to have much in common. But there is a link: in some places, they sh...
Snow: Glacier Guardian, Water Supply and Mousing Medium
From my perspective, the best thing about winter is snow. When it falls, this natural element covers everything in a white blanket, creating a sense of clean...
Cheetah Adaptation: Survival of the Fastest
Cheetahs survive on speed, but it is only one of many physical and behavioral adaptations they rely upon to survive a complex set of interlinking challenges....
Benefits of Birdsong: 5 Ways Birdsong is Good For You
One of the things I most love about Spring—and miss the rest of the year—is the raucous 5 am wake-up call from birds outside our window. It’s the only ...
9 Epic Mountain Destinations to Explore
At Nat Hab, it’s safe to say we’re enamored with mountains! Mountains host about half of the world’s biodiversity hotspots and 30% of all Key Biodivers...
Jolabokaflod: A Cozy, Book-Filled Icelandic Holiday
Iceland has one of the loveliest holiday traditions I’ve ever heard of. It’s called Jolabokaflod (pronounced yo-la-bok-a-flot), which roughly translates ...
6 Iconic Northern Lights Photos to Capture in Churchill, Manitoba
The northern lights, or aurora borealis, can be seen throughout the polar north, but the most vivid displays occur under an oval-shaped ring, the aurora oval...
The Baobab Tree: An African Icon and Longtime Legend
With its bulbous shape and a canopy that resembles an upside-down root system, the baobab tree is an iconic symbol of the African continent. Its origins are ...
Tracking Jaguars with the Onçafari Project: Conservation Travel in Brazil’s Pantanal
It was in the early morning when we first spotted Aracy, positioned near a small waterhole in Brazil’s southern Pantanal region. We followed her through th...
Wild Turkey Chicks and Post-Flight Reindeer Feasts
Every year, without fail, Thanksgiving and Christmas seem to come right on top of each other. The four weeks between the two holidays fly by, with hardly eno...
Discover Zimbabwe: A Year-Round African Wildlife Safari Destination
When is safari season? In Zimbabwe, it’s longer than you might think, and each season has its advantages. Nestled in the heart of Southern Africa, Zimbabwe...
Stories by Destination

Churchill Polar Bears

African Safaris

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Canada & the North

Galapagos Islands

Latin America

Asia & The Pacific
5 Ways WWF is Restoring Mangroves for Climate Resilience & Biodiversity
Mangroves are one of Earth’s most critical ecosystems, buffering coasts from storm surges, serving as vital habitat for aquatic, semiaquatic and terrestria...
Iberian Lynx make a Remarkable Recovery in Portugal
In 2001, WWF declared the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) “the most endangered cat species and the only endemic large carnivore in Europe.” At the time, the...
A Gathering Place: Nat Hab’s Alaska Bear Camp
By Samuel Littauer, Development Officer at World Wildlife Fund Alaska has always carried a certain mythos in my mind—its rugged wilderness, untamed landsca...
Helen Freeman: The “Jane Goodall” of Snow Leopards
Conjuring the Spirit of the Himalaya Ghost Cat “Love at first sight,” is how conservationist Helen Freeman described meeting a pair of Earth’s rarest c...
WWF’s Living Planet Report: Biodiversity, the Climate Crisis & What’s Next
It seems fitting that WWF’s Living Planet Report 2024 arrived in my inbox the day Hurricane Milton slammed into my hometown. I grew up on Little Sarasota B...
5 Indigenous Climate Activists You Should Know
Indigenous activists have always been front and center in protecting the Earth and its resources, and we can all learn from their deep spiritual, cultural an...
4 Million GPS Data Points: WWF Study Reveals Elephant Migration Corridors
A new study co-authored by World Wildlife Fund, Ecoexist, and Elephant Connection, reveals the largest ever GPS tracking database of elephant movement across...
Icelandic Moss & Internet Memes: How to Protect Iceland’s Fragile Ecosystem
What do Internet memes and Icelandic moss have in common? More than you might think! In September 2016, Canadian pop star Justin Bieber played two shows in K...
How Consumers Can Keep Forests Thriving
Forests are vital to all life on Earth. They filter the water we drink and the air we breathe. They provide essential medicines, food, and fuel for billions ...
Southeastern Greenland: A Land of Contrasts
Andrea Norgren, Senior Manager of Communications, at the WWF Global Arctic Programme, traveled to Greenland, with Natural Habitat Adventures at the beginning...
Intelligent Asian Elephants and Their Ebbing Environments
There are many types of intelligence in the animal kingdom, and it seems that almost every day, we learn something more about them. Of course, it’s hard to...
Roaring Back: Triumphs and Challenges in Tiger Conservation
Roaring back may be an overstatement, but the number of tigers living in the wild is on the rise, and that is cause for optimism. The largest of all the big ...
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