Join two of our finest female Expedition Leaders on this empowering expedition under the big sky of the Northern Rockies. Our guides are consummate naturalists and outdoor explorers eager to share their intimate knowledge of the world's first national park. This delicate ecosystem has been restored to balance thanks to reintroduction of wolves like the alpha female known as '06, one of Yellowstone's most famous wolves, the “once-in-a-generation hunter” memorialized in the bestselling book American Wolf.

Be mesmerized by grizzlies and elk that roam among geothermal wonders. Stop to imagine the awe that pioneer women must have felt when they stumbled upon this landscape. Consider the legacy of Marguerite Lindsley, the first full-timepermanent female park ranger not only in Yellowstone, but in America's national park system. Meet women who are forging their own paths as biologists, explorers and entrepreneurs in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

This is a rare opportunity, among the camaraderie and comfort of women, to reflect on your discoveries through your personal passion, whether that be writing, sketching, photography or collecting memories via scientific observation. You’ll come away not just awed by wild wolves, lumbering bison and erupting geysers, but inspired by the exploits of women who are making crucial contributions to conservation from Grand Teton to the Gallatin Range.