Flight Donations for Cargo and Locals

Throughout each polar bear season we charter flights for our groups’ air travel between Winnipeg and Churchill. While we carefully plan our schedule to minimize the number of flights necessary, in order to save fuel and reduce emissions, there are inevitable legs on some roundtrip flights that have extra space. This might come in the form of extra seats or cargo space below. When these situations arise, we view them as opportunities to support Churchill and its residents. Each year, we coordinate with the town of Churchill to ship goods and products otherwise not available (or otherwise wildly expensive) for locals to purchase in Churchill. And now with rail closures south of Churchill, everything must be shipped to Churchill via air cargo. Having the ability to assist in this way has never been more critical to the welfare of this small northern community. We also make the extra seats available to folks in town who may need to travel “down south” to Winnipeg, whether for routine doctor visits, connecting with family or friends, or in one case in 2017, an entire Churchill sports team was able to fly to participate in a regional Manitoba tournament!